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The normal/routine activation of any area will be noticed to the public via a General Local Notice to Mariners. Activation of any area for significantIn addition to the Notices to Mariners the SANHO also produces the following supplementary NM publications: · Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners PUBLICATION OF OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND. OCEANOGRAPHY. ANNUAL NOTICES. TO MARINERS. 2018. CUBUKLU - ISTANBUL The Cumulative List of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners (NP234 A/B) can help you to identify outstanding NMs and audit trails for a particular chart or charts. Notices for Australian Publications. Annual Notices to Mariners. nil. Australian National Tide Tables (AHP 11). ANTT 2020: ntm 1186; ANTT 2019: ntm 256, Mariners are requested to use the current editions of the nautical charts and For this reason, the 2018 and 2017 annual edition can be obtained as a The COTP, Duluth, will announce enforcement dates via Notice of Enforcement, Local Notice to Mariners, Broadcast Notice to Mariners, on-scene designated
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