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The following water lateral spread values are indicative: SYSTEM LAYOUT AND COMPONENTS. A complete drip irrigation system consists of a head control unit, Design. 8. Water Quality. 8. Soil Type and Water Movement. 10 Components of an Inline Drip System. 20 Calculations. Installation. 21 Preparation. EPC - Design Manual. Page 1 of 7. Design of EPC Drip Irrigation System. It is necessary to design a suitable and economically viable system to deliver aDrip Irrigation Design components. –3 Know your limits. • Install the Drip Irrigation System Most municipal water systems range from 30 to. When opening or closing any manual valve, always do so gradually, to prevent damage to the system by water hammer. Page 6. 6 DRIP IRRIGATION HANDBOOK. Versatility: Drip irrigation systems can be used just about anywhere. needs, another key factor in designing your drip system is your available flow.
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